As a part of your selection process for posts at Frontex- European Border and Coast Guard Agency, you need to pass the English test provided by Tracktest English Assessment (the company contracted by Frontex).
You will be able to start the test once you receive an e-mail notification from Tracktest. Please do not create an account by yourself but wait for the invitation e-mail with the login link! You will receive the invitation e-mail within 24 hours from receiving a message from the Standing Corps Recruitment Team.
Where there are mitigating circumstances that prevent the test taker to take part in the scheduled English language test or may affect their performance during the test, the test taker should inform Frontex as soon as possible by sending an email to frontex@tracktest.eu. Valid supporting evidence must be submitted in due time to allow a decision.
The English test consists of three main parts:
a) Core test (Grammar, Reading, Listening (maximum duration of 50 minutes)
You will receive the result of this part of the test immediately after completing it.
After this part, you can have a short break.
b) Speaking test (10 minutes)
c) Writing test (10 minutes)
You will be notified by e-mail when your Speaking and Writing rating is published or if there is any problem with your recordings. The full results of your test are also visible to the Frontex coordinator.
Technical requirements:
You will need a computer or smart device (tablet or phone) connected to the Internet with:
– functional front-facing camera
– headphones (for the Listening exam)
– microphone (for the Speaking exam)
The test is taken through the web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge), No special software installation is needed, you will be only asked to allow access to your device’s microphone and camera.
Before the test starts, you are requested to check your technical capabilities. If you experience any problems, please contact us at frontex@tracktest.eu
Test environment:

You can take the test anytime within 72 hours from the reception of the invitation e-mail.
You can take the test from any place (also from your home) but please make sure that you are ALONE AND NOT INTERRUPTED by calls or messages during the test.
The presence of another person and/or use of other devices (e.g., phone) supporting you during the test is prohibited and will cause the annulation of the test result and disqualify you from the further recruitment process.
Plagiarism: Productive tasks (Speaking&Writing exams) are cross-checked with the anti-plagiarism software. The use of non-original, plagiarised tasks will result in failing the total exam.
Please note that for the purpose of identity verification and proctoring, you must allow the system to take your photo as well as a photo of your ID. The test will be recorded by your webcam during its entire duration. Falling this rule will cause the annulation of the test result and disqualify you from the further recruitment process.
All your personal data e.g. your name, surname and pictures will be used only for the verification of your identity and to ensure you took the test independently. All this information will be kept by Tracktest only for the minimum time needed for the processing of the results and for the necessary appeal period.
Your data will be deleted from the Tracktest servers following this schedule:
1. One month after the completion of your test (for the successful four-skills tests only): Photos taken during the test excluding one profile picture, ID documents and audio recordings from the Speaking exam.
2. Six months after the completion of your test (for all results): All tests will be anonymized and all your personal information will be deleted from the server, including your name, ID, e-mail address, all photos and audio recordings.
Details related to your privacy and data protection can be found here:
In case you experience any technical problems, please contact immediately technical support via e-mail: frontex@tracktest.eu
(available during business days, Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 Central European Time)