Tracktest Research
Tracktest English Assessment links the examination to the Common European Framework of Reference and follows ethical standards of fairness in educational testing as exemplified by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing published by the American Educational Research Association (AERA/APA/NCME 1999: ISBN 0-935302-25-5). See our research validity and reliability studies.

Tracktest is an institutional affiliate of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) and the international affiliate of AERA (American Educational Research Association).

Tracktest is an associate member of Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services), an organisation with the mission to foster excellence in language education across the world by providing guidance and support to teaching institutions and individuals.

Our researchers are also members of the Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG of the IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), the CEFR SIG of the EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment) and ICAEA (International Civil Aviation English Association) and observe the Code of Practice of the organisations concerned.
Research studies and analyses:
Tracktest validity study
The measurement of expert agreement with the computer-aided testing result
Comparison of TrackTest and language school experts’ assessments with weighted Cohen’s kappa used as a measure of the criterion validity demonstrated substantial to an almost perfect agreement (Kappa(weights: squared) = .826 (p < .001).

Tracktest test-retest reliability study
306 students took the English test in three assessment rounds month by month. Results showed Cronbach’s Alpha and Intraclass Correlation (ICC) 0.816 – highly reliable.

Tracktest English test face validity analysis
Of the 228 individual test-takers who responded to the survey, 66.7% answered: “Yes, I think it was mostly accurate”, indicating that they believed their test result reflected their actual English knowledge. This is a positive indication of the face validity of the Tracktest English test.

Case study
English proficiency progress of employees measured with Tracktest English test
600 civil servants from 12 governmental institutions preparing for the EU presidency attended the English language courses. They showed a +14% improvement in English proficiency in 12 months.

Analyzing Second Language Written Summaries at University Level
The objectives of this study were to identify and categorize non-native students’ errors in the written summaries, to see which research instruments – the mobile reading app (experimental group) or internet-based article (control group) are more effective, and to determine if the language proficiency of students will improve.

English proficiency level of job-seekers in Central Europe
Results of English assessments of 30.000 job candidates from Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Hungary- English proficiency level, typical weaknesses, and differences.

Insights into English Test Results
Curious about how your English test scores stack up against others? Dive into our detailed analysis of data from the Tracktest assessment platform for the years 2023-2024.
Discover insights such as the most common CEFR level, overall pass rates, the toughest test sections, and the grammar categories that posed the most challenges.