University School Admission English Test
English certificates for college and university studies abroad
Students planning to study abroad have to meet the requirements defined by the school or university admissions office. Programs taught in English also require an English exam certificate or other proof of English proficiency.
Students are usually responsible for finding an institution that offers an English assessment.
Requirements may vary by a university. We always recommend checking the specifics with each educational institution.
Four things students need to consider before choosing the English admission test:
1. English proficiency level required for admission
Undergraduate study (BA) typically requires B1-B2 English CEFR level (same level is required by the international IB schools).
Postgraduate studies (MA, PhD) require B2 or C1.
Colleges and universities accept also the global certificates with the different scoring system but aligned to CEFR, e.g., IELTS or TOEFL exam.
B1 = IELTS 4 or TOEFL score 57-86.
B2 = Cambridge First Certificate (FCE), IELTS 5-6 or TOEFL 87-109.
C1 = Cambridge Advanced (CAE), IELTS 7 or TOEFL 110-120.
(more in CEFR descriptors)

2. English exams accepted by colleges and universities
The IELTS and TOEFL certificates are the most expensive but universally accepted general English exams.
If you are in saving mode, check with the Admission Office which other language certificates your college or university can accept. In some cases, national English exams, high school leaving exams or Tracktest English exams are also accepted as a more affordable and practical alternative.
3. Required English skills in the English exam
For some institutions or specialisations, proof of passive English knowledge (receptive skills test) is satisfactory, with their main focus on reading comprehension skills.
However, most schools require the full-scale test covering all four skills– reading and listening comprehension as well as spoken (oral) and writing production.
TrackTest English test is suitable for both scenarios. Receptive skills (Grammar/Use of English, Reading, Listening) are the standard parts of the Core test. If needed, you can additionally take also the Speaking&Writing exam in order to get a Complete four-skills Tracktest exam certificate.

4. How is the English exam taken (security, proctoring)
English tests for school admission are considered to be high-stakes exams so the more strict level of control is necessary. English tests are typically taken through the specialised assessment centres and in the controlled environment.
A disadvantage of this model is that students need to wait for the available dates for the exam sessions . Then they have to travel to the nearest available centre to take the test and wait for the results.
Standard Tracktest English tests are provided as is, i.e. in non-controlled environment. However, for the purposes of university admission, it is possible to take Tracktest exam in the verified assessment centre or from home via the Verified Exam with online proctoring.
The proctored English exams with the verified identity have it specifically mentioned in the certificate.